The Citizen Journalist Initiative is meant for all citizens, particularly for young active people, who want to express their opinions about the issues they find interesting or worth to be discussed in public.
Irene Vivas Lalinde
Sending organization: ALDA – The European Association for Local Democracy
Irene Vivas Lalinde was born in Valencia (Spain) in 1993, where she has spent most of her life. As a recent graduate in Law she is starting to develop a career in the field of human rights and environment with a focus on sustainable development. She has lived in Paris, Brussels, Geneva and Bogota gaining professional and academic experience that has enriched her in many ways.
Being a young European woman, deeply optimistic, makes her believe that new values such as sustainability can bring to our worn down societies incredible opportunities.
New expectations for a tired Europe
The story of Emilio: how volunteering changed his life from passion into action
Citizens in action: The story behind the FoodBank
Time for people to take the lead: Lessons from Marrakech
Raising awareness on SDGs: Proyecta Valencia – Hacia el 2030
Lessons from Liverpool: An insight from the Greens Congress 2017
Anna Elena Maria Ferrari
Sending organisation: JEF – Young European Federalists
Born in Italy, curious of the world by nature. She holds a Master degree in Law, obtained in Italy. She focuses in particular on European Union Law. Currently, she is a student of the Erasmus Mundus Master in Journalism Media and Globalisation and a freelance journalist. Besides Italy, she has also lived in Germany and Denmark; and her next destination is the Netherlands. During the last years, she has joined volunteering and work projects mainly linked to the EU.
Dominik Bartol
Sending organisation: CAC – Croatian Association of Counties
Dominik is a philosopher, a writer, a musician, a spiritual teacher and a visionary. The principles he follows are freedom, peace, love, joy and acceptance. He opposes ignorance, anger and greed with the power of wisdom, reason, logical judgement and creative order.
Maja Vargek
Sending organisation: CAC – Croatian Association of Counties
She was born on June 14, 1988, in Zagreb. In 2016 she finished a Master’s degree in Marketing at the Faculty of Economics in Zagreb. She has participated in various volunteer activities in Croatia, trying to raise people’s awareness of the needs of society and this is why she decided to become a Citizen Journalist.
Farouk Garali
Sending organization: Lam Echaml
Farouk was born in Bizerte, an amazing city in Tunisia. Passionate for big challenges, for more than 5 years he has been involved in activities of the civil society, covering several roles: Vice President of JCI, Secretary General of Tunisian Red Crescent and Coordinator at Lam Echaml. He looks for opportunities fostering his responsibility as active citizen, contributing to projects, trainings and actions on Human rights, such as the “development of skills & the empowerment of marginalised women”, and the “contribution to conflicts resolution & civil peace through dialogue”. His goal is to involve youngsters to be active citizens in public life of his area.
Rafał Osinski
Sending organisation: Związek Gmin Wiejskich RP
Graduated of Warsaw School of Economics (major in Public Finance), Rafał is a journalist, teacher and entrepreneur. He writes articles about Polish and worldwide economy. In his spare time he likes reading books (detective stories mainly), climbing the mountains and swimming. Rafał also practises yoga and his dream is to become a yoga teacher one day.
Annamária Lehoczky
Sending organisation: ALDA – The European Association for Local Democracy
Annamária is a non-judgemental listener and a passionate explorer. She is doing her PhD in the Erasmus Mundus International Doctorate Program motivated by the challenge of building the bridge between science and society. She volunteers at a socio-theoretical & cultural magazine, reporting about everyday heroes, wicked problems, climate innovators and green entrepreneurs, believing that journalism is the key to give voice to the voiceless.
Salome Lemonjava
Sending organisation: NALAG – National Association of Local authorities of Georgia
Salome is an active journalist, with master degree in Public Policy at the Georgian Institute of Public Affairs. She lives in Tbilisi, but she was born in the conflict zone of Georgia, named Abkhazia. She is actively involved in the several local and international trainings and conferences. In her opinion, her life is very interesting because she always has chance to meet new people. Generally. According to Salome, relationship and communication with people are the greatest knowledge, experience, pleasure and motivation.
Natia Shakaia
Sending organisation: NALAG – National Association of Local authorities of Georgia
Natia was born in Georgia in 1995. She is a 4th year student as English philologist, so this is her last year at university. She has two sisters. Her hobby is watching films. She has participated in many student activities, including the summer camp Buckswood in 2009, where she got experience on communicating with foreign leaders.
The world in the trace of Racism
The danger coming from the cars
From nothing to the place of dream
Engagement of the public and private sector
Future of the world (climate changes)
The importance of citizen’s participation
The development of the Medicine over the years
Sabine Eigmina
Sending organisation: LALRG – Latvian Association of Local and Regional Governments
Sabine is interested in global issues: migration, Human rights, development, poverty eradication, youth engagement, citizens’ participation, solidarity, women’ rights, multiculturalism, etc. She cares about social processes that are currently ongoing around us, therefore she believes it is important to take part in decision-making processes, expressing our own opinion.
Agita Kaupuza
Sending organisation: LALRG – Latvian Association of Local and Regional Governments
Agita is graduated at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Political Science studies, and interested in international relations and social policy. Her passion is to write articles on complex topics, but in a way comprehensible for ordinary people in their daily lives.
Gerardo Fortuna
Sending organisation: CIME – Consiglio Italiano del Movimento Europeo
Gerardo Fortuna, 25 years old, studies International Relations in Rome. As part of the Erasmus + programme, he spent time in Frankfurt and Brussels, where he had the chance to learn more about the way Europe functions. He considers himself as a bit of an analyst and a bit of a journalist, since he is a very proud writer of online analyses, that probably only a few (but selected!) people read.
Silvana Paruolo
Sending organisation: CIME – Consiglio Italiano del Movimento Europeo
After 8 years spent in Paris, Silvana now lives in Rome. She worked for about 2 years at the WEU (Western Europen Union) as an International Civil servant. She now works in CGIL – International and European Area. She is a freelance journalist and author of three books.
Włodzimierz Lapis
Sending organisation: Związek Gmin Wiejskich RP
Graduated from Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland, where he majored in discrete mathematics, Włodzimierz works as an assistant professor at the Faculty of Modern Languages and Literature, specialising in logics, IT, computational linguistics and mathematics. In his local community he writes for a periodical and for a blog. His articles are devoted to social issues and citizens’ participation.

Chiara Fazio
Sending organisation: Progettarte
Chiara Fazio was born in Sicily in 1992. She loves literature and she graduated in Modern Letters. Now she is studying Modern philology for a second degree. She loves reading, music and theatre. She thinks that these three things can be the key to make the world a better place. Her dream is travelling the world to see and know different cultures and traditions.
Francesco Folloni
Sending organisation: Progettarte
Francesco Folloni was born in Modena (Italy) in 1993. Passionate about internet and social media, he has his own blog where he writes about web and social news. He is also a video maker. In 2016 he graduated in Marketing and management at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia.
Rosa Uliassi
Sending organisation: ALDA – The European Association for Local Democracy
She was born in a small town by the sea on the east coast of Italy. Graduated in Philosophy from the University of Bologna, she is particularly focused in Philosophy of law and Political philosophy. Travel and discovery lover, she’s interested in human rights and defending the minorities, now she’s working for free with a independent online newspaper, writing about geopolitics.
Gratian Mihailescu
Sending organisation: ENNA – European Network of Civil Society Associations
Gratian Mihailescu graduated in communication and public relations. He specialized in European Affairs, International Relations and Development, receiving scholarships from different countries. He is a blogger and a publicist, with expertise in development and politics.
Eleonora Mandelli
Sending organisation: ALDA – The European Association for Local Democracy
Eleonora is Italian, but she feels quite European after having spent part of her work and life experience in UK, France, Belgium, and Spain. Her education was shaped at the Political Science University of Bologna at which she obtained the degree in Economics, Markets and Institutions.
Maria Coleman
Sending organisation: Donegal City Council
Mother, community activist, artist, musician, researcher, yoga teacher. Maria has recently published a chapter on her art in ” The Performing subject in the Space of Technology” and is currently co-founding “Lamha”, a community-based Mental Health initiative. Her band, “Wee Small Gods” writes both English & Irish language material.
Ana-Maria Ilie
Sending organisation: ENNA – European Network of Civil Society Associations
Her professional life and experience started in 2011, when she came into contact with A.R.T.Fusion and they connected instantly. Presently, within the association, she is Executive Director, also in charge with the coordination of the Human Library method and Global Education dimension. She graduated Political Science, majoring in Sociology. Now she is doing her master studies in Policy, Gender and Minorities.
Gintarė Dagytė
Sending organisation: ENNA – European Network of Civil Society Associations
Gintare Dagyte was born in Siauliai, Lithuania. Gintare studied Journalism at Vilnius University, later moved to Barcelona where she worked as a videographer. In 2014 Gintare graduated in Television studies at Edinburgh Napier University in Scotland and presented her first documentary film “The Standing Protest” which was shot in Istanbul.
Hasan Haj
Sending organisation: ENNA – European Network of Civil Society Associations
Hasan Haj (29), Palestinian from Israel, living in Cyprus. Financial data analyst at Thomson Reuters. His first degree is in Psychology and statistics. He is a mental trainer and he is studying for his masters’ degree in educational leadership at UCLAN Cyprus. He believes in the people’s ability to increase awareness and would love to become a journalist.
Adela Petrovic
Sending organisation: ENNA – European Network of Civil Society Associations
Born and raised in Serbia. Since 2011 she has been active in youth NGOs and the Helsinki committee for Human Rights in her country, working on projects that deal with peace building, youth empowerment, incorporation of marginalized youth into society and youth education. She has been elected as Youth Ambassador of Serbia by the International Committee for Human Rights under the auspices of the UN.
Nataliia Midna
Sending organisation: ENNA – European Network of Civil Society Associations
She is a student of the Joint Master’s Degree in Comparative Local development. Currently based in Budapest, she is interested in concepts of sustainable development, urbanism and cultural decentralization.
Kumlachew Getu Salilew
Sending organisation: ENNA – European Network of Civil Society Associations
He has been teaching in the social science faculty of Bahirdar University, Ethiopia. Now he is attending Joint European Masters in Comparative Local development at Corvinus University of Budapest. Since 2011, he has been independently writing and engaging in advocacy activities in the social media platforms in the issue of Democracy and Human Rights and social Justice.
Rhomir Yanquiling
Sending organisation: ALDA – The European Association for Local Democracy
He is currently connected to the Pangasinan State University at Pangasinan (Philippines) as Director for External Funding Resources and as a Professor in the Open University System of the same University. He has worked as Coordinator for Extension and Research, Editor-in-Chief of Faculty Journal and Research Journal of the University. He is currently a master student of the Master CoDe program (MA in Comparative Local Development).
Addisu Tegegne Bayle
Sending organisation: ENNA – European Network of Civil Society Associations
He is from Ethiopia. He has a BA degree in Sociology and MA in Social Work. Currently, he is pursuing a Joint European Master in Comparative Local Development at Corvinus University of Budapest. He has been working in the academia for the last seven years in Jimma Unniversity, Ethiopia.
Kristina Hudekova
Sending organisation: UTCS
Journalist based in Bratislava and student of management of natural resources in Vienna. After working for the national newspaper SME she decided to concentrate on the topic of environment and its protection. Together with the environmental NGO Zivica, she started a website where articles about environment, education, society and spirituality are published.
Alexandra Pihet
Sending organisation: SOS Malta
Born in France, Alexandra has lived over a decade in Belgium and is currently based in Malta. Rich of multiple experiences such as a humanitarian mission, she has a strong interest in photography for some years now. One of her wishes is to bring awareness through images.
Áron Gödölle
Sending organisation: Foster Europe
Áron Gödölle was born in Dunajská Streda in the southwestern part of Slovakia. He is attending a private bilingual gymnasium in Bratislava. He is fluent in 3 languages and currently learning two more: German and Spanish. Áron believes that being an EU citizen also brings the responsibilities and obligation to participate in initiative such as this one and inform the youngsters and this way help the community to take action and step forward.
Shady Rabhi
Sending organisation: Lam Echaml
Shady Rabhi is a 25-year-old from Kasserine, a city located in the Central-Western part of Tunisia. He has graduated with a degree in medical biology at the University of Monastir in Tunisia. He is passionately involved in activities with associations active in promoting and supporting democracy and citizen participation.
Kenneth Spiteri
Sending organisation: SOS Malta
He was born in Australia to Maltese parents and has been based in Berlin for the past 10 years. Having worked as a theatre maker most of his life, he is just about to finish university studies in Global Politics and International Peacekeeping. Having spent regularly periods of time in Malta, he’s recently returned again, this time maybe for longer…
Gerard Moyne
Sending organisation: Donegal City Council
He is self employed and he has an interest in lessening the use of depleting fossil fuels and world’s contribution to Global warming and the extinction of creatures on this planet. He has an interest in Human rights. He attained a BA degree in Community Development in 2011 as a mature student. He is also very much interested in corporate governance at community level.
Jakob Lütgenau
Sending organisation: Foster Europe
He was born in 2002. He is a pupil of the gymnasium Neusiedl/See in Austria. His hobbies are: skating, rap, music.
Astrid Lucia Offersen
Sending organisation: Vejle Municipality
She is 18 years old and she is half Danish, half Tanzanian. She has always loved writing and she has also always been extremely interested in global citizenship, so she jumped at the chance to become a citizen reporter, since it perfectly combines the things that she loves to do.
Freja Vangsgaard Diemer
Sending organisation: Vejle Municipality
Born and raised in a smaller city in Denmark. She has always found interest in arts and travelling which is what she tries to use her time on whenever she has the opportunity. She is very passionate about 2 of the sustainable development goals in particular: Gender equality and Climate action.
Sarah Nipper
Sending organisation: Vejle Municipality
She is a 18-year-old student who currently lives in Velje, a city of Denmark. In her weekdays, she studies social studies and engages in the student council and the board of directors at her school due to the fact that she finds it really important and interesting to make a difference in whatever degree possible.
Andreas Canvin
Sending organisation: Vejle Municipality
He is an 19-year old activist from Hedensted, Denmark who is passionate bout human rights & activism in all its different forms. He has been an activist for 2 years already and he is engaged in Amnesty International. When he is not doing demos and actions, he works with children with primarily special needs.
Feel like running 217 km. in Death Valley? We spoke to the guy who did just that
“She was jumping of happiness” – working in a refugee camp by Catarina Cerqueira
Bullets & Bad Breath – Youth Journalism in Palestine
Wefood: A simple, tasteful solution to a big, distasteful problem
Interview to Salil Shetty, Secretary General of Amnesty International
Chiara Soletti
Sending organisation:– ALDA – The European Association for Local Democracy
She is the Women, Rights and Climate Section coordinator for the non-profit Italian Climate Network. She is responsible for the ICN advocacy action and projects related to human rights and climate change. She is currently working in London in the non-profit sector thanks to the experience gained in public relations, research and data analysis within UK politics, NGOs and United Nations Conferences.
Razvan Popescu
Sending organisation: Central and Eastern European Citizens Network
Razvan Popescu is passionate and hardworking. He works in the field of social economy entrepreneurship. His interests are: writing short articles on social media platforms, individual research, data mining and environment issues debates.
Dragoș-Ion Cuță
Sending organisation: Central and Eastern European Citizens Network
He studied business at the University of Craiova and holds a master’s degree in Financial Analysis and Evaluation of Organizations from the same University along with a postgraduate diploma in Entrepreneurship and Venture Creation from the University ISCTE Lisbon. In terms of professional experience, he is a project manager, project coordinator and trainer.

Dilyana Deneva
Sending organisation: NAMRB – National Association of Municipalities in the Republic of Bulgaria
She is interested in journalism and human rights. She works for a European NGO promoting self-determination and human rights. She is also an intern in the biggest online medium in Bulgaria.

Nadezhda Angelova
Sending organisation:– NAMRB – National Association of Municipalities in the Republic of Bulgaria
She has recently graduated from university with a Master degree in Regional development. Currently, she is working in an international and multicultural environment focused and driven towards continual personal development.

Reneta Kirilova
Sending organisation: NAMRB – National Association of Municipalities in the Republic of Bulgaria
She is studying Journalism and Photography at New Bulgarian University. While a student, she did an internship in several media – newspaper, two televisions, radio and photojournalism foundation.

Julie Capelle
Sending organisation: The Hague Academy for Local Governance
Julie obtained a Master’s degree in Journalism in 2016. After a journalistic project in India and an internship in Lebanon, she developed a huge interest for developing countries and became even more aware of the importance of cooperation between countries in this regard. Because of her interest in public administration, she started a second Master in 2016 in Rotterdam on the topic of Public Management.

Erdem Güler
Sending organisation: Marmara municipalities Union
He has graduated Physical Education Science. He is a master student in education science. He has organized youth projects with different topics since 2012.

Ferhat Tomo
Sending organisation: Marmara municipalities Union
He has graduated from Dokuz Eylul University, which is in Izmir, Turkey. He has experience in the area of trade union and corporate banking. He studies local administration, urbanism and environment at a Master degree level.

Joni Wijhers
Sending organisation: The Hague Academy for Local Governance
Joni obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Political science and is currently enrolled in a Masters programme on Comparative politics and Public administration at the Radboud University, Nijmegen, the Netherlands. Being part of the LADDER Citizen Journalist Initiative is a great chance to develop some journalistic skills and write on the topics that are close to Joni’s personal interests.

Muriel Wagner
Sending organisation: Foster Europe
Originally from Germany, Muriel is currently based in Budapest, Hungary. She has obtained a degree in History and Hungarian studies at Humboldt University, Berlin. Interested in Central and Southeastern European cultures, as well as minorities and cross-cultural dialogue, she is now a student of cultural diplomacy.

Giovanni Marco Scavelli
Sending organisation: Fons Mallorquí de Solidaritat i Cooperació
He is a PhD researcher at UIB – Human Cognition and Evolution. His research is about transformative resilience and regenerative cultures in Mallorca.

Karoline Bredmose Thomsen
Sending organisation: Velje Municipality
She loves spending her time debating and she started a debate club for teenagers three years ago. In between those meetings she is active in Model United Nations. Besides that, she is a IB student at Kolding Gymnasium in Denmark.

Lilyana Savova
Sending organisation: Union of Bulgarian Black Sea Local Authorities
Lilyana is chairing the Institute for Mediation and Out-of-court Dispute Resolution and acting as a Manager of the ITERA Consult Ltd. She has finished Faculty of Law at the Technical University – Varna and practices the profession for more than 8 years.

Adam Zagoni-Bogsch
Sending organisation: Foster Europe
He has attained his law degree at ELTE AJK in Budapest. He has worked as a lawyer in the field of refugee law. In 2016 we did an internship at the German Bundestag. At the moment, he is taking part in the LLM programme of King’s College London.

Anna Chepizhko
Sending organisation: Foster Europe
She is a Communication Specialist and freelance journalist, studied Advertising and Public Relations at National Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv. She also took part at the Fellowship programme in the German Bundestag.

Daniela-Maria Maris
Sending organisation: Foster Europe
Graduate of Media science and studying European Integration at the Andrassy University in Budapest. She is highly interested in the development of the Mid-Eastern European countries.

Dorothea Iordanova
Sending organisation: Foster Europe
Student at the University of Augsburg, Social Scientist, Exchange year in Chile, Parliamentary Fellow and a volunteer at various organisations. She is currently living in Germany.

Iryna Gumenchuk
Sending organisation: Foster Europe
Graduated from Kyiv National inguistic University, M.A. in Philology. Took part in EVS-project at Agapedia Jurgen Klinsmann Foundation. Finished internship in the German Parliament. Currently studying Master of Nonprofit Management and Governance at the University of Heidelberg.

Margaryta Udovychenko
Sending organisation: Foster Europe
She has a Bachelor degree in international economics from the Kyiv National Economic University and Master degree in European Studies from European University Viadrina in Frankfurt, Germany. She has done internships at ostPost Berlin, Institute for European Politics and the German Parliament.

Stanislav Jendek
Sending organisation: UTCS
During his studies of sociology at the Comenius University in Bratislava, he worked in the Tree of Life NGO, where he edited and published the Strom magazine. He is also doing photography, which are published in several magazines. For the last few years, he has been working with the NGO Academia Istropolitana Nova on various projects.