

The SDGs workshops have started!

By | October 13th, 2017|News|

The SDGs workshops have started! In line with the cascade and capacity building pursued by the LADDER project, several SDG workshops are being held. These workshops follow up on topics related to SDGs, awareness raising and empowerment of local stakeholders. LADDER partner, Donegal County Council implemented the first workshop.   The workshop was held [...]

Re-granting Scheme: Grass root actions on development education

By | October 6th, 2017|News|

“Our actions at the local level have an impact at the global level”: this is the motto of the LADDER’s video, realised by Progettarte. The video shows in few minutes the results of the re-granting scheme action of the three-year project LADDER – coordinated by ALDA. The video focuses on some of the [...]

Youth for Sustainable Europe – the contribution of youth to the implementation of SDGs

By | September 28th, 2017|News|

From 25 to 27 September 2017, the Young European Federalists (JEF) organised the LADDER‘s Special Initiative "Youth for Sustainable Europe" in Brussels, to discuss the links between Sustainable Development Goals and youth. The initiative consisted of a series of panels and workshops. In the first panel discussion Dejan Bojanic (European Youth Forum), Noora Löfström (Finnish Youth [...]

Birthday wishes for the 2-year anniversary of the SDGs

By | September 28th, 2017|News|

The 25th September 2017 was the 2nd anniversary of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). ALDA and the LADDER project congratulated but also reflected on the tasks that still lie ahead of us! More than 880 actions involving over 500 organisations in 109 countries took place on this day, in order to support the implementation of [...]

Biosphere Citizen Bridges: Citizens as partners towards sustainable development within UNESCO Biosphere Reserves

By | September 15th, 2017|News|

Assist Social Capital CIC and Insights US have been supported by the LADDER Project to implement a project aimed at generating action-led advice from citizens, in order to support sustainable economic development within UNESCO Biosphere Reserves. The project is based on inclusive decision-making via an online platform and will focus on how communities, businesses and social enterprises [...]

Global education and Citizen Journalists – interview with Paola Berbeglia

By | September 4th, 2017|News|

Paola Berbeglia, Delegate of the Steering Committee group of the Global Citizenship Education & People Engagement Hub of Concorde Europe, delivers an interview on the important contribution given by LADDER’s Citizen Journalists network to global education. In 2016 the citizen journalist’s initiative was set up as one of the main initiatives within the project [...]

Job Shadowing in Bulgaria and The Netherlands!

By | August 25th, 2017|News|

After a busy Job-Shadowing spring, there were two more exchanges in summer 2017. NAMRB and The Hague Academy for Local Governance were hosts in the frame of LADDER’s Job Shadowing activity. This time with a special JS, The Hague Academy invited his guest to participate in one of its summer courses. From the 26th [...]

Citizen Participation University 2017

By | August 11th, 2017|News|

On 3- 7 July 2017 the CPU took place in Kunbabony, Hungary. Within LADDER’s thematic path ‘Citizens’ participation for development’, this event brought together citizens and professionals to learn from/with one another about civic engagement and local practices. Organised by LADDER’s partner, the Central and Eastern European Citizens Network (CEECN), the event was hosted by [...]

Regranting Scheme: Grass root actions on development education – THE RESULTS OF THE 2017 CALL

By | August 1st, 2017|News|

The results for the “Regranting Scheme: grass root action in development education and awareness raising” of the 2017 call are finally here! The call of 2017 supported several projects implemented in Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia and United Kingdom. The winning [...]

Job Shadowing activity goes on in spring 2017!

By | August 1st, 2017|News|

From March to May 2017, seven new peer-to-peer exchanges have been carried out. Once more these productive encounters resulted to have excellent outcomes, increasing the exchange of experiences and sharing good practices among the consortium. The Job Shadowings took place in Belgium, Greece, Turkey, Serbia, Malta, Ireland and Mallorca! Host: Sonja Afanasjeva, Young European Federalists [...]