Citizen Journalist

/Citizen Journalist

Information are not enough to change our behaviour – Interview with Jan Krajhanzl, eco-psychologist from the Masaryk’s University in Brno

By | August 25th, 2017|Citizen Journalist - Climate & Energy, Kristina Hudekova|

Kristina Hudekova On the international non-shopping day we made a test to see if people are willing to buy unethical products when they have all information about their origin. We opened a stall on a farmer’s market where we sold very cheap chocolate, coffee, bananas and other goods and openly told every customer that, for example, on the [...]

A plastic ocean

By | August 21st, 2017|Alexandra Pihet, Citizen Journalist - Climate & Energy|

Alexandra Pihet Every year, 8 million metric tons of plastic garbage from all over the world makes its way to oceans. Food wrappers, caps, cups, plates, bottles, bags, straws and other discarded items make up 90% of floating marine debris. Caught up in currents, this waste is accumulating in 5 giant garbage patches all around [...]

Success story of cultural mapping in L’viv, Ukraine

By | July 31st, 2017|Citizen Journalist - Citizens' & Partecipation, Julie Capelle|

Julie Capelle On May 10, 11 and 12 2017, about 160 international stakeholders working on the strengthening of local democracy from all over the world gathered in Torun, Poland for the ‘’Ladder Tool Fair’’. Organized by ALDA in the framework of the LADDER project, the event aimed – as its name indicates –  to [...]

Explore the inter-generational inclusion: the Civitas Vitae

By | July 21st, 2017|Citizen Jouralist - Engagement of Public & Private Sector, Rosa Uliassi|

Rosa Uliassi «My dissertation is born to a beautiful fairy tale: that of a little girl who grows up and learns from a grandfather how to draw the sea waves or how to raise a life, starting with a tomato plant» Today we are speaking a lot about the question of inclusion: religious, cultural, ethnic, [...]

The Republic of Kunbabony

By | July 21st, 2017|Citizen Journalist - Citizens' & Partecipation, Giovanni Marco Scavelli|

Giovanni Marco Scavelli The recent Citizen Participation University in Hungary, has been an ideal place where community, civic and professionals from 15 countries, took an active role in solidarity with the Hungarian civil society. It has been a 5 days of intensive learning and community building where resistance has been embraced as a common effort [...]

Anti-Racism World Cup: a goal against discrimination

By | July 11th, 2017|Citizen Journalist - Tolerance & Inclusion, Rosa Uliassi|

Rosa Uliassi It has just ended one of my favourite summer initiatives, which has been fighting discrimination and xenophobia for more than twenty years: “I Mondiali Antirazzisti” (Anti-Racism World Cup). This international sport event for racial inclusion, organized by UISP (Italian Union Sport for everyone), takes place every year in the small town of Castelfranco [...]

What do the SDG’s mean to you?

By | July 10th, 2017|Citizen Journalist - Citizens' & Partecipation, Karoline Bredmose Thomsen|

Karoline Bredmose Thomsen The SDGs, sustainable development goals, are the UN's attempt to set an agenda and an outline for how to create a better world. A sustainable environment. Active citizens. Happy people who believe in the future for their children. All of this is admirable, but what do the 17 goals actually mean to [...]