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So far LADDER Team has created 259 blog entries.

Bullets & Bad Breath – Youth Journalism in Palestine

By | April 28th, 2017|Andreas Canvin, Local Actions for Global Impact|

Andreas Canvin “Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed: everything else is public relations." George Orwell's famous words are more relevant than ever. Throughout the world, journalists are imprisoned for doing critical journalism. Now 12-year old, Janna Jihad has been covering the Israeli human rights abuses against Palestinians since she was 7 [...]

The Ghost and the Darkness

By | April 26th, 2017|Citizen Journalist - Tolerance & Inclusion, Dominik Bartol|

Dominik Bartol Have You ever heard the 'dark voice' inside? That reflective deception that purges the Mind of all reason, logic and the creative order? A shady figure; just standing there, on the very edge of Our consciousness. These imprinted emotions, intentions, thoughts and actions often become the 'personas' behind the unconscious projections. The origin [...]

Regranting Scheme: grass root actions on development education

By | April 21st, 2017|News|

The “Regranting Scheme: grass root actions on development education” of 2016 for Spain, Estonia, Netherlands, Romania, Germany, Croatia, Latvia, Denmark, Italy, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Greece, Poland & Ireland is now over! All the winning projects for the 2016 Call of Proposals are announced below… stay tuned to discover the projects which will be selected for the 2017 new [...]

Lessons from Liverpool: An insight from the Greens Congress 2017

By | April 18th, 2017|Citizen Journalist - Climate & Energy, Irene Vivas Lalinde|

Irene Vivas Lalinde Two weeks ago, the capital of the Beatles: Liverpool (UK), hosted a multilateral Congress. The Green Party of England and Wales, the European Green Party (EGP) and the Global Greens gathered around 2000 people coming from different parts of the globe. I was part of the Spanish Delegation (representing EQUO). As a [...]

Electorate databases: good or bad for democracy? A lesson from political marketing

By | April 18th, 2017|Anna Elena Maria Ferrari, Citizen Journalist - Citizens' & Partecipation|

Anna Elena Maria Ferrari Electorate databases and voters targeting are nowadays part of the political campaign professional research techniques. We live in the era of ‘market-oriented’ political parties, where voters are viewed as customers. In this context, many researchers believe that electorate databases are essential in the development and efficient use of methods such [...]

The journey towards SDGs continues: the projects implemented in Croatia, Romania and Spain

By | April 13th, 2017|News|

The Re-Granting scheme of the LADDER Project has started to bear the first fruits and some of the projects proposed by grassroots organisations and institutions aiming at raising awareness about the core issues of development education have been successfully implemented! The third stop-over of the re-granting scheme journey is in Croatia, Romania and Spain. [...]

Test yourself for “global citizenship”

By | April 13th, 2017|Ana Maria Ilie, Citizen Journalist - Citizens' & Partecipation|

Ana Maria Ilie We live in a global, interconnected world! A world in which what we do every day, our day-to-day decisions and behavior have an impact not only on ourselves, but on other people as well, from other countries or continents. Global Interdependencies, Pollution, Climate Change, Water and Eco Footprint, Sustainable Lifestyle, 3R [...]

The LADDER Tool Fair: exchange of practices and tools about global citizenship & SDGs

By | April 4th, 2017|News|

On 10-12 May 2017, the LADDER Tool Fair will open in Torun, Poland. This three-days event will enable actors working on Development Education and Awareness Raising (DEAR) and other stakeholders (LAs, CSOs, foundations, institutional & non-institutional actors etc.) active on issues related to sustainable development, poverty eradication, gender issues, climate change: to exchange methodologies, [...]

Tunisia in the frontline: Kairouan hosts next LADDER MED Path meeting

By | April 24th, 2017|News|

On 26-27 April 2017, the MED Path of the LADDER project will gather in Kairouan, Tunisia. The event, organised jointly by ALDA, Lam Echaml and COPPEM (co-coordinators of the MED path), aims at strengthening the role of LAs and CSOs in the MED area, by promoting a decentralized and ownership-based Neighbourhood Policy. Particularly, the Path [...]