The LADDER Project is coming to an end and it is time to draw the conclusions of this three-year innovative project. Our summing up starts with the research dimension of the project, which produced several actions in order to deepen the knowledge of local authorities (LAs), civil society organisations (CSOs) and citizens about DEAR and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Firstly, in order to have a general overview of the state-of-play of the knowledge on DEAR (Development Education and Awareness Raising), the LADDER Project has submitted a survey to more than 1000 representatives of LAs and CSOs. Here you can find the results of the survey that were implemented at the European, National and Local level. Wants to know more about your country or the country next to yours? Check them out!

Two of the main key findings from the EU level survey revealed that 73% of the participants believe the cooperation between LAs and CSOs is a good strategy to implement DEAR policies, and that more than half of the participants believe citizens are moderately willing to participate in global issues, most probably because they are not informed enough about those. These responses show once again the necessity and the fundamental role of the LADDER Project, which through the cooperation between LAs and CSOs aims at fostering and increasing citizens’ knowledge about sustainable development and how each of us can have a more sustainable impact in our daily life.

In order to share information about these issues, LADDER has produced 5 research documents which aim at raising awareness about the global sustainability issues, and changing the attitude of different stakeholders. In particular, we encourage you to read and further disseminate:

  1. A map of Public & Institutional Authorities dealing with DEAR
  2. A map of non-Institutional Authorities working in DEAR
  3. A glossary gathering together 58 words related to Development Education
  4. A toolkit targeting LAs collecting 26 actions that can foster their sustainability actions within their communities
  5. A toolkit addressed to citizens collecting 32 ways to change the individual and collective life style and footprint

Start your journey and play your role for a more sustainable world by increasing your knowledge on DEAR with the tips and recommendations provided by the LADDER consortium, and stay tuned to know more about the other results of the project!