NEWSLETTER - ISSUE #4 - November 2016 If you cannot correctly read this message, click here

On 2-3 November 2016, the Special Initiative “Working towards sustainable development: Civil Society, Local Actors and EU Strategies” of the LADDER Project Environmental and Sustainable Development Path was successfully held in Bratislava. The event brought together experts and high level representatives of regional organisations, institutions and networks representing civil society, academia, cities and regions.

During the first day the resilient sustainable development as an issue of participative multi-level governance in the Danube Region was taken into account. The second day was instead dedicated to the role and the potentiality of local actors in making sustainable development possible in the Danube Region.

This Special Initiative represented a great opportunity to pursue the discussion on sustainable development and applied it to a concrete context which is the one of the Danube Strategy and it stressed the importance of LAs and CSOs’ cooperation.

The Special Initiative was organised by Foster Europe in cooperation with the partners of the EUSDR Danube Participation Days, the Plenipotentiary for Civil Society Development in Slovakia, the Council of Danube Cities and Regions and the ARGE Donauländer. The event had a high participation with around 180 - 200 participants and a great visibility.

Useful Links:
Report of the Workshop DEAR - Turning Local Ideas into Global Solutions held during the Special Initiative
Event programme



The LADDER Project participation at the First Learning and Exchange Forum

On 8-9 November, the approach, objectives and methodology of the LADDER Project were presented by PM Nikos Gamouras during the First Learning and Exchange Forum in Budapest (the three level training mechanism and reach-out, the advocacy outcomes, the grass roots actions such as the citizen journalists and the re-granting scheme).



Getting started and deepening your knowledge on DEAR!

LADDER carried on a deep and wide research about DEAR gathering together concrete ideas, relevant information, definitions & suggestions around this broad theme! Maps of public, institutional and noninstititional actors were produced as well as a DEAR Glossary and toolkits for Local Authorities and for citizens.



New results of the Re-granting scheme: Italy, Denmark and Slovakia

The results of the re-granting scheme of LADDER project, supporting grass root actions on development education, are now available for Italy, Denmark and Slovakia. 6 organisations submitted significant project proposals related to DEAR. New call for proposals will be launched in different EU countries covered by the project early 2017



Time to engage – LADDER workshop at the Black Sea Forum 2016

On 31 October- 2 November LADDER project was presented by ENNA to the 9th edition of the Black Sea NGO Forum through the workshop “Engaging local authorities in civic space monitoring, climate change and participatory budgeting”, with a focus on citizens’ participation. Participants debated on contraction of civic space, creating democratic and accountable institutions, and developing climate change and sustainable development policies and practices.



Job Shadowing: peer-to-peer education is the way!

“In the framework of the LADDER project, the job shadowing experience proved to be an excellent opportunity for intercultural exchange and understanding” stated Maja Knezevic from SKGO (Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities, Serbia) at the end of her short-term mission at NALAG (the National Association of Local Authorities of Georgia) in Tbilisi.


Citizen Journalists Initiative

The LADDER Citizen Journalists' network is growing day by day and it is reaching all Europe and beyond. Check out some of the most recent contributions in each of the six main themes!

The LADDER Citizen Journalists’ network is issuing its recent contribution tackling issues like: media freedom and rule of law, citizen participation in after conflict states, etc. Check out the most recent!

Poland’s tricky political turn – Rule of law and media freedom endangered?
Anna Elena Maria Ferrari 
How the controversies on media law for the public service broadcasters bring on the agenda the wider spectrum of rising nationalist parties across Europe.

Citizen participation: first steps after the Revolution in Tunisia
Shady Rabhi
Continuing to build and encourage citizen participation after the Jasmin Revolution despite the recent attacks in Tunisia.

Citizens in action: The story behind the FoodBank
Irene Vivas Lalinde
About the Food Bank initiative: why throw away hundreds of kilos of fresh products only because one think they are a surplus?

Healthy environment is the future
Salome Lemonjava
Showing the differences between only discussing about healthy environment and the understanding and internalising of it.


For further information, please contact the Project Manager, Nikos Gamouras:

This newsletter has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents are the sole responsibility of ALDA and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union.
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