Research is one of the five key dimensions by which the LADDER Project aims to inform, raise awareness and engage citizens, civil society organisations and local authorities in global issues, global interdependency and development education. This essential component was developed during the first two years of the LADDER project assuming a multiple approach and creating 5 different outcomes. In details, LADDER carried on a deep and wide research about DEAR gathering together concrete ideas, relevant information, definitions & suggestions around this broad theme!


  1. Mapped the public and institutional authorities dealing with DEAR : This document illustrates a number of public & institutional actors engaged in development education, as well as involved in environmental and sustainable policies at the local, national, EU and/or international level.
  2. Mapped the non-institutional authorities dealing with DEAR: This document illustrates a number of non-institutional actors engaged in the field of development education, implementation of sustainable development practices, non-formal education of adults and youth, raising awareness and inclusion of citizens in the decision-making process.
  3. Created a glossary collecting the key terms related to DEAR: This document aims to provide a definition of the key terms related to DEAR.
  4. Created a toolkit addressed to Local Authorities, with concrete ideas to encourage their positive impact for a more sustainable world: LADDER has identified 26 actions to turn Local Authorities more sustainable. For instance, joining the Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy & the European Capital of Culture, promoting street retails market and many more are among the ideas that are detailed in the list!
  5. Created a toolkit addressed to citizens: with suggestions of individual and collective actions in the spirit of sustainable lifestyle, LADDER has identified 32 actions for citizens to be more sustainable and make a positive impact within the world we live in. Tips to become an aware and sustainable consumer, initiatives to join such as “100 in 1 day” & the “Zero Waste Europe” and many more can be found in the document!

Check them out and start to deepen your knowledge on DEAR!!!