

About LADDER Team

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So far LADDER Team has created 259 blog entries.

Wefood: A simple, tasteful solution to a big, distasteful problem

By | June 30th, 2017|Andreas Canvin, Local Actions for Global Impact|

Andreas Canvin Did you know… ...that Danes waste 700.000 tons of food each year? That's 65 kg. per person. And that's a problem. According to the UN's second Global Goal, foodwaste should be reduced by 50% globally by 2030. That's ambitious. But with initiatives like the Danish concept of Wefood, reducing foodwaste might be much [...]

Join ALDA and LADDER’s activities at the 5th Assises of Decentralised Cooperation for Development in Brussels

By | June 27th, 2017|News|

The 5th Assises of Decentralised Cooperation for Development will take place in Brussels on 10 and 11 July 2017 at the European Committee of the Regions (Rue Belliard 99-101, 1040 Bruxelles, Belgium). The LADDER project will take part in the two-day programme and will officially be represented by its Secretary General of ALDA, Ms Antonella [...]

The potential of Urban Labs: Maastricht and its M-LAB

By | June 22nd, 2017|Citizen Jouralist - Engagement of Public & Private Sector, Irene Vivas Lalinde|

Irene Vivas Lalinde The study of Science, Technology and Innovation Policy (STI onwards) can be understood as analogous to production, commercialization and mainstreaming of knowledge. Even there is a clear evolution in the terminology, the terms are still interdependent and co-exist with one another. Because of this conceptual variety, STI policies can take on different [...]

As long as the Human Family exists, every single Soul must be committed to a worldwide mission of promoting and protecting the rights of all People

By | June 6th, 2017|Citizen Journalist - Tolerance & Inclusion, Dominik Bartol|

Dominik Bartol Based on the principle of respect for the individual, the fundamental assumption is that each Person is a moral and rational being that deserves to be treated with dignity. This is what is known in the Society as Human Rights. This fundamental natural law provides the rights that are universal, inalienable, indivisible, interdependent [...]

The New Consensus for Development: see the reactions of the Youth Path

By | June 2nd, 2017|News|

The LADDER Project Youth Path, led by JEF Europe, has been following the design and implementation of youth policies at EU level, always bearing in mind participation, inclusiveness, participatory and transparent policy-making processes. Advocacy actions are permanently carried out to raise citizens and stakeholders’ awareness on the role and importance of youth in development. On [...]

Citizen Participation in Ga West Municipal Assembly, Ghana

By | May 31st, 2017|Citizen Journalist - Citizens' & Partecipation, Joni Wijhers|

Joni Wijhers Talent for Governance is the talent programme of The Hague Academy for Local Governance. The programme provides young, accomplished civil servants working for local governments in developing and transitional countries the opportunity to follow a training course with The Hague Academy and a short internship with a Dutch municipality. Through this experience, young [...]

Urbanism: resilience, welcome and urban innovation

By | May 30th, 2017|News|

On 27 May 2017, ALDA join forces with Science Po Paris, the City of Thessaloniki, the Institut Français de Thessaloniki, SOS Malta and the consortia LADDER and RE.CRI.RE to organise the international seminar “Urbanism: resilience, welcome and urban innovation” in Thessaloniki. The event is part of a set of raising awareness events on development [...]